Objects and Classes
Object-oriented programming. Although you don't need to understand objects to make interesting programs, objects can help you make interesting programs a lot quicker and with a lot more readability. Instead of designing super complicated logical arguments in our programs, we use something called 'classes'.
I think Codecademy does a great job introducing the concept of classes in its Python Course. If you haven't already tried it, take a couple of hours and check out this lesson on classes. Be sure to log in to save your progress!
Sometimes going through the material a different way is helpful. You can check out http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/thinkpython016.html for a different approach to classes. I suggest creating a module instead of using the interpreter.
Quick Review of Classes:
1) We make specific objects based off a class. A 'class' is like a generic person--kind of like a cookie cutter. You can say the person has some characteristics: gender, age, weight, IQ, ability to tell jokes, etc. We can then use the generic person class to create specific people, we call these instances of the class.
#here we define our generic person class.
class Generic_Person(object):
#all classes start with an __init__ function (two underscores before and after)
#that takes "self" as an argument (or parameter) and defines the attributes of the class.
def __init__ (self):
self.gender = ' '
self.tells_good_jokes = "True"
#here we make and instance of our class named "Andrew".
andrew = Generic_Person()
#we can give our person attributes. We use the form: "class.attribute = "
andrew.gender = 'male'
#we can use inheritance to see if our instance, Andrew, tells good jokes
#here we define our generic person class.
class Generic_Person(object):
#all classes start with an __init__ function (two underscores before and after)
#that takes "self" as an argument (or parameter) and defines the attributes of the class.
def __init__ (self):
self.gender = ' '
self.tells_good_jokes = "True"
#here we make and instance of our class named "Andrew".
andrew = Generic_Person()
#we can give our person attributes. We use the form: "class.attribute = "
andrew.gender = 'male'
#we can use inheritance to see if our instance, Andrew, tells good jokes
2) Functions defined inside a class are called "methods".
3) We can have objects inherit the properties of other objects.
#this is the parent class
class Parent_class(object):
def __init__(self):
#this child class inherits all the characteristics of the parent class. Notice the argument is the parent class name.
class Child_class(Parent_class):
def __init__(self):
#this child class inherits all the characteristics of both the above parent classes. Notice the argument is the parent class name.
class Grandchild_class(Child_class):
def __init__(self):
#this is the parent class
class Parent_class(object):
def __init__(self):
#this child class inherits all the characteristics of the parent class. Notice the argument is the parent class name.
class Child_class(Parent_class):
def __init__(self):
#this child class inherits all the characteristics of both the above parent classes. Notice the argument is the parent class name.
class Grandchild_class(Child_class):
def __init__(self):
A More Extensive Review of Classes
If you're looking for more in the way of review, particularly regarding functions, methods, and inheritance. Here's where to go.
Let's try it:
As a practice program, we are going to create a hierarchy program which highlights the inheritance of classes. When creating a program, it is often helpful to spend some time thinking about the structure BEFORE you start coding. What are the relationships between the objects? What will the flow look like?
1) Quadrilaterals.
We'll do some games once we talk about tkinter together.